Health Vacation at JNI - Day 10
Today is the last day and last night at JNI for us. One of my goal was to reduce as much weight as possible (thought of 10 kgs but knew that it wouldn’t be possible). However I lost more than 4 kgs till today and now can say that my weight is in late 70’s instead of 80’s. However, I am not disappointed as that was my stretch goal. The primary goal was to keep my numbers in control and move away from taking any medicines and I am happy that I achieved that. The second goal was to get the cholesterol numbers in control; I not only got them in control but have done much better in all the numbers and everything’s in range now. My third goal was to reduce my waist; again I am happy that I was able to do that as well. So overall all targets achieved and I am going back as a much healthier person. Today, though it was a regular day for the folks at JNI and all treatments and activities went as planned, I had opted for Deep Tissue message and was very good indeed. Though we still ha...